We are the first firm in Peru to have obtained both the ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management Systems and the ISO 37301 Compliance Management Systems certifications.
We are the first law firm in Peru to obtain an ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System, certified by PERÚ CERTIFICATION.
The firm’s excellence, its commitment to good business practices and its commitment to innovation are the reasons why we became the firm in Peru to receive this certification.
We have also become the first Peruvian company with ISO 37301 Compliance Management Systems certification, issued by the prestigious American firm BASC PERU (Business Alliance for Secure Commerce). Our commitment to compliance as a leading firm in this area, together with our struggle to help building a better country, were key to the recognition awarded, which certifies the implementation in Caro & Asociados of an effective system of regulatory compliance. We believe in business integrity and for this reason, and within our philosophy of always being at the forefront of our main jurisdiction, we have established, in addition to the Anti-bribery and Compliance Management policies that have led us to obtain ISO 37001 and ISO 37301 respectively, a code of conduct and a code of ethics:
Caro & Asociados’ Code of Conduct and Best Practices governs our institutional conduct and our relations with our clients, collaborators and suppliers. Its content follows the guidelines of:
In addition, our Code of Conduct assumes the compliance standards of the following anti-corruption statutes:
Code of Ethics
Related documents and links
The Caro & Asociados Code of Ethics applies to:
Our Code of Ethics is expressly assumed by all members of Caro & Asociados, who accept and know its scope from the date of commencement of their employment, professional or service relationship with Caro & Asociados, and is attached to the contract of new recruits that join the firm.
Its acknowledgement is compulsory and an essential condition to initiate and maintain any professional relationship with Caro & Asociados.
Anti-Bribery Compliance Policy and Regulatory Compliance
Anti-Bribery Ethics Line
Complaints Channel
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